Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mrs. Glover's ABC's of First Grade

ABC’s of First Grade

Mrs. Glover

Stokesdale Elementary


Room B111



*       The school will open at 7:20 am. Students will come directly to the classroom to unpack and start their morning work. The tardy bell will ring at 7:45. If your child will be going to breakfast, he/she may do so after coming to the classroom. Breakfast stops serving at 7:35. School will dismiss each day at 2:25 pm.



*       If your child misses school for any reason, you will need to send a note of excuse the day he/she returns to school in his/her homework folder or email his/her teacher.


Accelerated Reader (AR)

*       AR is a computerized reading assessment tool designed to motivate readers and improve comprehension. Students read books on the AR list and take a short computerized test designed to measure comprehension. Students will receive points depending on the level of the book and the students’ sore. Point goals will be set for each grade level.

*       First grade is the first year these students will be able to participate in AR. NOT ALL FIRST GRADERS are ready to partake in this extra incentive on a daily basis. Each student will be introduced to it, but if they are unable to take the tests independently, they will not be able to take tests as frequently. AR is not used for a grade in first grade. It is an incentive program for independent readers. The PTA gives rewards at the end of the school year for students reaching certain point levels. Each level receives different prizes.

*       Students will be allowed to take AR tests in the classroom at various times during the school day.  Tests will not be taken during instructional times of the day. They must be able to take the test independently and must have read the book at least two times. Chapter books do not have to be read more than once.



The Clip System

*        In our classroom we have a chart with seven different levels.  All students start out their day with their clip in the middle of the chart at the “Ready to Learn” level.  Throughout the day, students will either move up the chart for positive behavior or down the chart for not following our classroom procedures. Students have a chance to redeem themselves during the day and move their clip back up. At the end of the day, I will mark where their clip ends up on their behavior log. This needs to be signed by a parent each night.


o   1 time- Does not have to move clip- verbal warning

o   2 times- Moves clip down. Student needs to think about making better choices.

o   3 times- moves clip down. The teacher will conference with student.

o  4 times- moves clip to “Make Better Choices” – This means the student will complete a “Make Better Choices” sheet. They will receive a straight or sad face on their behavior log.

o  More than 4 times- moves clip down. This means the teacher will call, email, or write a note home that day. Depending on severity, student may be sent to the principal.



Here are the best ways to contact Mrs. Glover.

*        Email- (anytime, most effective and quickest response from teacher.)

*        Note- place a note in your child’s folder on the “bring back” side.  

*        Website:  Check our website/blog often!  I will update frequently with pictures of what we are doing in class.

*        Phone: 336.643.8420 (after 2:30pm-4:00pm)





*        Mandatory parent conferences will be held the first grading period (mid October).

*        I will meet with you to discuss your child’s progress in person or we can have a phone conference. This will need to be a scheduled time and not during the school day. I am unavailable to talk with you from 7:20-2:30 because I am busy with the class. Any other immediate concerns, please email anytime or call after school.


Field Trips

*        We will be taking 3-4 field trips this year. Further information will be given closer to the actual time. Parents are welcome to go on field trips and are welcome to help chaperone. To be a chaperone you must do a background check online. You can find the link for this on the Stokesdale Elem. School homepage.



*        Homework Folder- Your child has a two-pocket homework folder that they will bring home EVERYDAY. This folder will have their homework and any important information in it as well as their daily behavior log.  Please check this folder each night and initial or sign their behavior log. The folder has two pockets. One is labeled LEAVE HOME and the other is labeled BRING BACK. Everything that is placed in the side that says “leave home”, please review and keep.  Everything that is placed in the side “bring back”, please review and put back in that pocket to bring back to school. This is the side that your child’s homework will go in as well.

*        Daily Work and Assessments: Your child will bring home completed work they did that day in their “Leave Home” pocket of their homework folder. This work will have been checked over by the teacher or by the student. We will go over all work done for the day and answers should have been corrected. Any class work your child did not complete that day will be placed in the “Bring Back” pocket for them to complete at home. Students will take a Reading Test most every Friday. This assessments will be sent home on the following Monday in the “Leave Home” pocket of their Homework Folder along with the class work from that day. Some assessments will have a percentage grade and count toward your child’s achievement on their progress report or they will have a fractional grade such as: 14/15, meaning they got 14 out of 15 questions correct.  Most classwork will have a check mark, smiley face, sticker, etc to show we have checked over our work. Math Tests will be given at the end of each unit. First Graders do not receive letter grades on their report cards. Please look over their work daily and remove it from the folder.    



                Homework is a reinforcement of what we learned in class that day. Please help your child if they need it. Your child will have homework every night Mon-Thurs. Homework is due the NEXT day.

*        Spelling – Due to GCS implementing a new phonics program called Fundations, spelling will be totally different than in years past. This will be explained further at our “Curriculum Night”.

*        Math- When given, math homework will consist of a worksheet corresponding to our math lesson for the day. The math worksheet will be placed in their homework folder on the “bring back” side.

*        Reading- Read for 20 minutes each night with your child. You will receive a monthly reading log (calendar) to initial nightly that you have completed this part of homework. Turn in reading log at the end of each month. A leveled Reader book will be sent home occasionally in your child’s homework folder to practice reading. This is a book that your child is reading in guided reading and will need to be returned the next day. I will also be sending home their reading textbook on Thursday evenings for your child to practice reading the weekly story. By this time they will have read the story in class a few times and should be familiar with the story. Their test on this story will be the following day.  

*        Reading Comprehension Questions- Closer to the second quarter students will answer higher level comprehension questions twice weekly in their 3-ring binder.  The answers need to be in complete sentences. 



*        Lunch is at 11:45 each day. If you send money with your child to school, please put the money in a labeled envelope in their homework folder. You can also pay for your child’s lunch online at If you are joining your child for lunch, please meet us in the cafeteria at 11:45, not earlier in the classroom. We are learning math right up to the time we have to go to lunch. Visitors coming in the classroom can be disruptive to our learning. J

*        We will have a mid-morning snack each day at 9:00. Each child is to bring their own individual, healthy snack. This part of our day is very quick, so please keep the snack small and healthy. (NO SODA) Water is preferred and we have a water fountain in the classroom so a drink is really not necessary.





*        Our First Grade Newsletter will go home every Friday (info is for the following week) in your child’s homework folder. The newsletter is a great tool to keep you updated on what we are learning in our classroom as well as important dates and events.  



*        Our daily specials are from 9:20-10:00.

*        Monday: MUSIC, Tuesday: PE, Wednesday: Computer Lab, Thursday: MEDIA, Friday: ART

*        ****Be sure to wear tennis shoes EVERY Tuesday for PE.

Star Student

*        Each week one student will have the week to “SHINE” by being the

“Star Student of the Week.”  Each day of the week will consist of a different way to recognize the student and allow them to share all about themselves. A note will go home a week in advance to let you know when your child will be recognized as the “Star Student” so you can prepare. Here is what the week will consist of:

-Monday: Bring 3 items to share with the class. Be prepared to tell why those items are special to you. Also, bring in a few photos for the “Star Student” display.

-Tuesday: Bring in a favorite book to read to the class. The book should take no longer than ten minutes to read.  If you are unable to read the book, the teacher can read it for you.

-Wednesday: Parent Letter: Please write a letter to the class telling us how special your child is to you. Send the letter in a sealed envelope to the class. The content of the letter is up to you. Here are some examples from years before:

        1. Tell us special or funny stories about your child.

        2. Write a silly or serious poem.

        3. Tell us some neat things about your child we may not know.

        4. Send silly or special pictures with a letter describing the picture.

        5. Write a short story with your child as the main character.

        6. Send or email a video or power point for the class to watch.

-Thursday: Lunch Buddy! Join your child in the cafeteria for lunch (11:45) or send a relative/friend to join them.

-Friday: Student Recognition! The “Star Student” will be recognized and awarded a certificate.

***Please note that these days can be switched around to fit your schedule.  If you can’t come to lunch on Thursday, you can come another day that works for you. J



*        Most supplies become “community” supplies in our classroom.  This means we all share them when needed. In our class, we sit at tables and have a supply basket at each table that the students use together.


Snazzy Snacks

*        Our class will periodically enjoy time together making various snacks by learning and following simple recipes. This is a super way for children to learn sequencing skills, following directions, as well as making a snack independently. They will be writing each recipe on a recipe card and by the end of the year, they will have a book full of recipes they can make on their own!  If you are interested in sending in ingredients for our snazzy snacks, just send me an email. Thanks!



*        I welcome volunteers to help in the classroom and other duties such as making copies or providing any items we may need. If you can cut out laminated materials or make books at home that would be appreciated as well.  If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please let me know!

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