Thursday, March 14, 2013

Duck on a Bike~ Duck on a Tractor

Duck on a Bike
One day down on the farm, Duck gets a wild idea, “I bet I could ride a bike!” As he rides around the barnyard greeting various farm animals, we find out what his friends think of his zany idea. Then when a bunch of kids visiting the farm park their bikes by the farmhouse and go inside, all the animals decide to join in on the fun.
At the end of the story, the last page has a picture of the duck looking at a tractor...The kids thought this was hilarious and wanted to predict what was going to happen next. Madison came up with the brilliant idea (future teacher in the making) of creating our own book as a "sequel" to this one and we will call it "Duck on a Tractor". Each student decided which animal they wanted to have on their page of the book and what the animal would say to the duck as he rode by on a tractor. We had so much fun thinking of funny things to write. Our class is really creative and has a great sense of humor. I created the title page below and then we will put it all together to make our class book.  Maybe there is publication in our future??? :)
This is the student page for the book

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Spelling Test Sheet

I created this sheet for students to take their spelling test. Much more fun that boring lined paper.  

Fiction and NF Comprehension Questions

Check out these new comprehension questions sheets that I created. We are using these in first grade to help students prepare for the writing portion of the TRC (Reading 3D) assessment.
Nonfiction Comprehension Questions
Fiction Comprehension Questions


Unite for Uriah

The First Grade classes at Stokesdale Elementary School are collecting change for a 3 year old boy named Uriah through the month of March.
Uriah is battling Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI). He was diagnosed with the rare bone disorder, when he was only 6 weeks old. For the last year and a half, the Priest family travels 9 hours away to the A.I. DuPont Children's Hospital in Wilmington, DE. In Wilmington, Uriah receives treatments which helps protect his bones from fractures and his body from pain.
The 3-year-old could have a turning point, that could give him a step in the right direction with his disease. Uriah will have surgery on April 11 to have metal telescoping rods placed in both of his femurs. This surgery could possibly help him walk on his own for the first time.
This is very dear to me because I grew up with Uriah’s mom in Waynesville, NC. We reconnected when we learned that we both lived in Greensboro. She is such a strong lady and I admire all that she does despite what she is going through. She is always positive and smiling. I am so excited that my first grade team of teachers also want to participate and help. I hope we can raise some money for them that will help with all the medical expenses and travel expenses for his surgery in April.

Thanks for your support,

Mrs. Glover

Here are two links to some videos about Uriah

Here’s the video from when Jesse Wharton Elementary School raised $1000 for Uriah:

His funding page:

You can also follow Uriah’s Journey on Facebook:

Pictures of some of our posters we made.